If someone had told me in my 40.."Hey, girl .. you are going to have soooo much fun in your 60s! You're gonna feel good
You're going to meet a bunch of new people you will embrace as friends. and... you're gonna travel!" 1 would have rolled my eyes or Iaughed or both. Because by 45. everything started
changing for me. Our last of 5 sons was born the year I turned 41.
At 45.. I had 4, 7, 16 and 17 year old sons at home. I was homeschooling all (except 1) of our boys so I thought it was normal to feel tired. I was gaining weight, I CRAVED food...too
much food.. I hurt in every joint of my body. It felt like a burning ache deep in my joints.. kind a like the flu.
entering menopause. I had watched someone dear to me go on synthetic hormones years ago. I remembered how she changed in her personality and overall felt worse.. I knew
that would not be my path. determined I would dig in and push through with natural help. I tried organic.. everything.
went on high end supplements from my chiropractor, I had relief but it NEVER lasted. Then, a friend asked me to try her supplements. She kept asking... for 7 months.
kept saying,
"No".. for 7 month.. until I finally said, "Yes". I stayed consistent for 8 weeks (to a fault with regimen and water) to prove to her what she offered wasn't as special as it sounded... but.. it was. And, in 8 weeks these were my changes: No more joint pain Wearing my wedding ring again! My finger joint was SO swollen I couldn't wear it More energy.. lots more. Even one of
my sons noticed. His words, "I feel like I have my mom back".
Over abundant cravings gone Weight loss Hot flashes gone, That's crazy. That's the power of gut health. That's the result of finally saying, "Yes" to the blessing the Lord put right in my path. My only regret.. not trying sooner.
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